25 February 2011

My pain

I sat alone on the day the world was moving all around me but it seemed as if my life was in a stand still.the doctors say its anxiety every one thinks... Anxiety means nervousness or fear but it is deeper than that anxiety holds you prisoner you can,t leave your house .........
Ding ......dong..........
No not me the anxiety even controls that all the pain rushes back up with every little thing i eat you can,t go out step-------
every one walking around me but i can,t move ,the apprehension paralyzes me .everyone says ,se brave you do it you will make it out of this but sometimes i wander if i will i try to combat it all but if i attempt to do anything it all starts over again ... Thump = = = = my heart beat faster and faster i can feel it in my heart beads of sweat racing falling running down my forehead all the thoughts swarm in my brain the fear picks up its is unbearable . I cant move my hand .....ever,? Iam so frightened but i dont know what of the paranoia sweeps over my body like a giant wave every day i have to fight what seems to be a losing battle but then i look outside i see the colours ...............
I see the life ***
i see spirit===
i know i can do this =*=*=
*written by Ayesha chaudhary*

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